Are you involved with E-commerce business or Product Photography? You can make your product photos way more attractive with the help of realistic drop shadows. It will also improve the overall look of a picture. But, how to create a realistic Drop Shadow? We can do that with the help of Adobe Photoshop. After reading this article, you will be adding a realistic drop shadow to your product images. You might feel that it will be a complex process. It is not going to be difficult. I am going to share 11 easy steps to create a realistic drop shadow.
As a beginner, it is normal for you to know nothing about shadow creating around the object. This tutorial is going to clear all their doubts and make them able to learn the process. For your convenience, we also add the screenshot.
Open your selected photo. When you are in the new file, go to Window>layers and open the layer palette. Cut the background of your image and place it in a unique background. You can give it a name so that you can recognize the photo and avoid confusion.
Here click on the eye icon placed left side of the image. It will make the background invisible. After doing this, you can see the object Against a transparent background.
Select your hidden background in the layers palette. Now go from one layer to a new layer and create a new layer. Here you can see your unique background. Go to the edit button, then fill and choose a colour to fill the created layer.
You can choose a custom colour. Drop down menu is here to make this task easy for you.
Look at your object and choose a perfect colour for the thing. And obviously, the shadow also has colour. You should know what colour will match your object. For selecting the shadow within your object, go to the eyedropper tool. The chosen colour will be shown in the tools palette; for bringing up the colour picker adjustment dialogue box, double click on the new foreground colour. You can adjust the colour to darker or lighter.
When you are done, click "OK".
Set your shadow colour to your foreground to create a drop shadow( for selecting the drop shadow, go to the "fx" button and click.
The other setting, like distance opacity, spread size level, can be modified later, but you can do all these following the screenshot below as a starting point. If you are done, click "OK".
To Isolate your drop shadow from its layer, go-to layer>layer style,>create a layer. Now you can modify the shadow as you wise.
In this step, select the new drop shadow layer. Pull the drop shadow down to the floor by going to Edit>Transform>Distort. Think about which direction the shadow should be cast, and all the things will look perfect and believable.
If necessary, you can transform the Selected section of the shadow independently to make sure the shadow connects to all parts of the objects that can touch the floor.
The feature of creating realistic drop shadow behind any object in photoshop is important to seem it real. Your photo will look more realistic as well as professional. Nothing can beat realistic drop shadow. If you leave your photo with white background it doesn't look attractive at all. So people used to create a shadow, and the image looks more lively.
Most of the time, professional photographers use realistic drop shadow features to give it an aesthetic look. Besides, you can also use this feature for your images. This feature is geeenerally used to give an image a 3D visual outlook. It is not so expensive feature and available for everyone. Being a photo editor, you can use this feature in many ways to show your creativity.
You have learned how to create realistic drop shadows in Photoshop. Now, it’s your time to apply the technique in your photos. Are you ready to apply? If you face any problem, don’t hesitate to ask for a solution. You can share your opinion in the comment box. Stay tuned with us to get more Photo editing tutorials. You can also contact us to get Drop Shadow Creation Service. Thank you.
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